The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recently released its annual Traffic Safety Facts report detailing research covering 2013, and there’s some good news.
After an increase in motor vehicle crash fatalities in 2012 – the first year-over-year increase since 2005 – 2013 saw a reduction in the number of people lost on America’s roadways. The report shows that in 2013, 32,719 people were killed in crashes on US roadways, down from 33,782 in 2012. That 1,063-fataility difference represents a 3.1 percent drop. Non-fatal injuries declined as well, falling by 49,000, but still affecting some 2.3 million victims. Such improvements were seen nearly every segment of the population – passenger vehicle occupants, large-truck occupants, pedestrians and young drivers. Among the highlights of the report:
- Passenger vehicle occupants killed in single-vehicle rollovers decreased 7.3 percent overall in 2013, and a full 12 percent in SUVs.
- The number of motorcyclists who lost their lives in 2013 dropped by six percent to 318.
- The number of people who died in alcohol-impaired crashes decreased by 2.5 percent to 10,076.
- The decrease in the number of young drivers involved in fatal crashes (358) from 2012 to 2013 makes up 33 percent of the decrease in all drivers involved during that same time period.
- Over the past 10 years, the number of fatalities on the nation’s roadways has been reduced nearly 25 percent.
Still even one life lost or serious injury suffered is too many. Despite the improvements, any auto accident can cause devastating injuries that affect victims for their entire lives, and the families of those lost are never the same. That’s why we here at Harrell and Harrell specialize in helping auto accident victims and their families to secure fair compensation for their losses. If you or someone you love was hurt or lost in a collision caused by someone else’s negligence, call 800-251-1111 to speak with a dedicated auto accident attorney in Jacksonville today.