Community Service Jacksonville

Community Service Jacksonville

At Harrell & Harrell, all our attorneys both contribute financially and volunteer their time to the poor and disadvantaged, charities, churches and various professional bar associations.

In the areas of volunteer work and contribution, we annually give time and money to many local organizations that focus on children’s issues, medical services, educational programs and other areas of need. Some of these charities we offer assistance to are:

  • Clay County Agricultural Fair – Harrell & Harrell is a proud Blue Ribbon Sponsor of the Clay County Fair.  This local, family friendly event has been a part of Northeast Florida for 35 years and we are proud to be a partner of the fair! 
  • Children’s Miracle Network – Harrell & Harrell was the proud host for 10 years to the annual Holiday Toy Drive to support Jacksonville Children’s Miracle Network.  We were able to help collect close to 20,000 toys that have been used at our local hospitals of Wolfsons Children’s Hospital and UF Health.   We were grateful to be a part of this annual event and help bring some cheer at the holidays to the children in our local hospitals.
  • Lifesouth Community Blood Center –  Throughout the year, we are happy to have the Lifesouth Bloodmobile at our offices, to help collect blood for local hospitals.  This community event allows both the Harrell and Harrell staff as well as our friends and neighbors in the community to donate blood and help save lives.
  • Jacksonville Area Legal Aide provides free legal services for Jacksonville low income and special needs neighbors.  Harrell and Harrell is proud to support this important organization both financially as well as with volunteer work and time.   We have supported JALA through the years in fundraising, charity runs, Pro Bono work and other various ways.  Renee Harrell has served on the board as directors, including serving as past President.   This important organization is a vital part to the community and we are grateful to be involved.
  • Freed to Run  – A fundraising and awareness raising event created to support Jacksonville Area Legal Aide in providing legal assistance for underprivileged and underserved communities in Northeast Florida.   Funds raised in annual the Freed to Run marathon event are placed in an endowment to fully fund the North Florida Medical Legal Partnership and other local organizations like Shelter for Elders.    We support this growing event each year through participation, volunteer work, promotional support and fundraising efforts. 
  • Guardian Ad Litem – Harrell & Harrell, P.A., strongly supports the Guardian Ad Litem office and its efforts to protect and advocate for abused, neglected and abandoned children on the First Coast. In 2006, Harrell & Harrell, was the recipient of the Community Child Advocate Award. The Guardian Ad Litem office presents this award to a person or business in the community that has substantially supported its efforts and impacted the lives of children in a significant way. Harrell & Harrell received this award not only for providing financial support to efforts aimed at helping and protecting children on the First Coast, but also for the time spent by our attorneys volunteering to further those efforts.
  • Voices for Children of the First Coast, Inc. – The primary private organization supporting and aiding the Guardian Ad Litem office in its mission to help and protect abused, neglected and abandoned children on the First Coast.
  • Kids Deserve Justice Florida Specialty License Plate – The Kids Deserve Justice specialty license plate funds free legal services to low-income Florida children, allowing children to reach their full potential. Examples include legal representation for abused and neglected children, children in foster care, and children who need special education testing and services or access to health care.
  • Wolfson Children’s Hospital – One of the nation’s top children’s hospitals, and the only children’s hospital in northeast Florida and southeast Georgia.
  • Florida’s Children First Inc. – The chief proponent for improving the educational outcomes for children in State custody in Florida.
  • Nemours Children’s Health  Harrell and Harrell is proud to support and sponsor various events that help raise funds for Nemours Children’s Health and support their efforts in improving the physical and mental health of children in our local community.
  • Ronald McDonald House of Jacksonville – Provides housing for families while their children receive medical care.
  • Jacksonville Humane Society – No shelter has enough cages for all the unwanted animals in a community, but even if one did no dog or cat should spend its life in a cage.
  • Trio of Northeast Florida – Local chapter of Transplant Recipients International Organization, providing support and awareness of organ transplants.
  • Volunteers in Medicine – This organization has branches nationally and provides medical care to the indigent through the volunteer services of the medical community. Retired physicians, nurses and other medical providers donate their time to those in need. In Jacksonville, there is a fully-staffed facility that provides excellent medical care
  • Local schools, sports teams and athletic leagues – Throughout the year, we support our local educators and sports team through fundraisers and donations event.  We value the importance of our teachers, administrators and coaches in the community and are proud to support teams and schools. 

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