Filing a personal injury claim is a big step for many people. Victims of car collisions file claims in an effort to reduce the financial burden they are subject to carry after the accident. This is why it’s important for car accident victims to understand the settlement process and set expectations appropriately.
The Settlement Process
Regardless of the reason you filed a personal injury claim, you should know that it can take weeks, months, or even longer settle. In many instances, car collision cases don’t go to trial because they are settled out of court.
The settlement process is typically comprised of five distinct elements: the demand letter, negotiations, an agreement between the parties, a settlement check, and settlement papers. Learning about this process can help you understand why it takes so long and prepares yourself for the steps necessary for your case to reach a resolution.
During the process of settling your car accident claim, you can expect the following:
Demand Letter
The demand letter is your personal injury attorney’s opportunity to present your case to the insurance company and/or the at-fault party. In this letter, the facts and details of the accident, as well as the injuries you incurred and any medical treatment that is necessary because of those injuries, are outlined.
Once the parties named in your claim have responded to the demand letter sent by your attorney, it’s time to negotiate. Expect the insurance company to provide you with the lowest offer they can possibly extend. For this reason, you should not take their first offer.
Instead, expect your personal injury attorney to draft a reiteration that includes both the strengths of your claim and a counter demand amount. This price will be lower than the initial offer.
Understand that there might be several rounds of negotiations that occur between your attorney and the insurance company. Eventually, a satisfactory settlement amount will be reached.
Settlement Papers
Once you and your attorney have agreed on an acceptable offer, it will be put in writing. The amount will include a sufficient amount for your medical costs, as well as any other agreed-upon compensation, even after the attorney fees are subtracted from it.
You’ll need to read the settlement papers carefully and ask your attorney any questions before you sign off on the offer. Within a few weeks, you should see a check arrive and your case will be officially closed.
Hiring an attorney from the legal team at Harrell & Harrell means you have an experienced professional by your side throughout the process. We can negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that is favorable for your future. Contact us by phone or via our website to schedule a free consultation today.