The Personal Injury Law Firm of Harrell & Harrell is proud to be a sponsor for the Clay County Agricultural Fair. Since 1987, Northeast Florida looks forward to this annual family-friendly event filled with fun activities, entertainment, and rich tradition.

Join us on Saturday, April 1, as we will be the daily fair sponsor for Ag Day.
Several special events are planned to make this day exciting and memorable for the entire family, including Dress Like a Farm Animal, Goat & Swine Show, Pet Adoptions, and more. Also returning this year is Ag-Town, where visitors are encourage to visit the variety of agricultural businesses with cattle, swine, and poultry education opportunities. Be sure to also check out the daily entertainment that will be taking place in the Town Square.

Since livestock is the foundation of the fair, you certainly can’t leave until you’ve visited the livestock barns, where you can learn interesting facts about our local agricultural and farming community. You also won’t want to miss out on visiting the Wall of Champions, where we have displayed photos of this year’s 4H and FFA Youth Livestock winners.
On April 1, the fair will also have Sunflower Quiet Hours from 10 am – 3 pm. Guests with special needs and sensory sensitivities to sound, lights, and smells will have the opportunity to enjoy the fair in a more relaxing and calming environment.
Would you like to win a family 4-pack of fair tickets? We’ll be giving away tickets on our Facebook page, so follow us for more information. We’ll see you there.
“We are thrilled to be able to contribute to keeping the tradition of the Clay County Agricultural Fair alive. Having grown up in Clay County, it is a piece of home, and I’m honored to have the opportunity to give back to my community in a meaningful way,” says Renee Harrell, President of Harrell & Harrell and Clay County native.
Join Us at the 37th Annual Clay County Fair!
March 30, 2023 – April 9, 2023
Clay County Fairgrounds
2497 State Road 16
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043