Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Orlando

Bicycle Accident Lawyer in Orlando


Rising gas prices and a move toward healthier lifestyles has many Orlando residents ditching the family car and riding their bicycles instead when traveling relatively short distances. But while it’s great for your wallet and your waistline, bicycle riding carries risks. Obeying the rules of the road and using all the proper safety gear may not be enough to protect a rider from becoming the victim of a car or truck accident. And obviously, bike riders lack the protective physical barrier that a motor vehicle provides.

Recovering from an Accident with Injuries

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more than a half million bicycle accidents occur each year, requiring some level of hospital or advanced medical care for the victim. Cyclist’s helmets and other safety gear, no matter how sophisticated, are simply no match for the massive weight and force of a moving car or truck. Thus, while drivers of motor vehicles typically are unscathed, the cyclist takes the blunt force of the impact, often with catastrophic results. Road rash, fractured limbs, neck or spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), disfigurement or paralysis all are common injuries and can mean a lifetime of recovery.

Most drivers of motor vehicles involved in collisions with bicycles claim they simply did not the cyclist in time to safely stop or swerve. While that may be true, it’s no defense against charges of negligence or careless driving. Also, a driver who is not charged at the scene of the accident may still face penalties in court. Our bicycle accident attorneys at Orlando’s Harrell and Harrell, P.A. specialize in investigating, documenting and representing personal injury and wrongful death claims for injured cyclists.

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