Boating Accident Attorneys Orlando

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Boating Accident Attorneys Orlando


Boating accident attorneys in Orlando help victims of watercraft accidents document and present their claim for personal injury damages. Like other parts of Florida, the Orlando area is a great place to enjoy water-related sports and activities such as air boating, water skiing or fishing. Unfortunately, central Florida’s numerous lakes and waterways are attracting more watercraft enthusiasts every year. This rise in participation has continued to cause the number of serious boating accidents involving fishing boats, jet skis, air boats and other watercraft to steadily increase as well. If you’ve been injured or had property damaged in an accident with another boat or fixed object like a dock or bulkhead, call Harrell & Harrell, P.A., toll free at 1-800-251-1111 to speak directly with our boating accident attorneys about your personal injury or wrongful death claim.

Boat Accident Lawyers serving Orlando

Similar to other popular areas of the state, central Florida waterways are projected to continue showing an increase in watercraft congestion as more residents and visitors seek to enjoy one of the many boating lifestyles available in Orlando. If you are involved in a boating accident, be certain that you fully understand all of the consequences before speaking with the insurance company about an accidental injury or death. Boating accident attorneys point to several areas of negligence where personal injury and property damage are most likely to occur, including:

  • Careless or Inexperienced Boat Operators
  • Use of an Illegal Substance or Alcohol
  • Reckless Driving or Using Poor Judgment
  • Being Thrown or Falling Overboard
  • Avoidable Collisions with Fixed Objects
  • Unattentive Collisions with Other Watercraft

The negligent operation of a pleasure boat, personal watercraft or commercial vessel can result in accidents causing serious injury or death. These personal injury cases require today’s accident attorney to have a thorough knowledge of the applicable state boating laws. At Harrell & Harrell, P.A., our boating accident attorneys take every watercraft-related case seriously, and we have the experience and expertise to help you obtain a fair compensation for your personal injuries, medical expenses and damaged property. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Use our website’s convenient Contact form for a prompt email response to your questions.

Orlando Boating Accidents

No one ever expects to be injured when they go boating. However, with close to a million vessels registered in the state, Florida annually leads the nation with the highest number of boating fatalities (65 deaths and 426 injuries requiring medical treatment in 2009). Most of these boating accident fatalities were a result of drowning after the victim was thrown overboard or the victim’s boat capsized. According to a recent report on Florida boating-accident statistics, the boat operator most likely to be involved in a boating accident is actually a middle-aged (or older) male who has plenty of boating experience but was never properly trained as to the most important considerations for their boating safety. Personal watercraft like jet skis only account for 13% of all registered vessels but are involved in almost 25% of the boating accidents reported throughout the state.

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