Florida No-Fault Insurance Law – Orlando Attorneys

Florida No-Fault Insurance Law – Orlando Attorneys


Florida’s no-fault insurance law underwent sweeping changes as of January 1, 2013. Touted as an effort to keep your insurance premiums low, the new law instead severely limits your rights to obtain the benefits for which you already paid, say insurance lawyers with Orlando’s Harrell & Harrell.

The Florida No-Fault law requires drivers of vehicles with at least four wheels to purchase and carry auto insurance policies with Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage. This allows for coverage of medical treatment of injuries suffered in a car accident for each driver involved by their own insurance company, regardless of which party is at fault – thus the term, “no-fault” insurance.

With the changes, victims now must jump through hoops in order to claim the benefits their policies promise. For instance, PIP coverage for medical treatment will be paid only if the insured obtains treatment from a licensed and approved provider within 14 days following the accident. And, the new law limits benefits to $10,000 for injuries deemed “emergency medical conditions,” and $2,500 for treatment of injuries not deemed emergencies by physicians and insurance companies.

Unfortunately, the new law only serves to afford victims fewer benefits and to make it easier for insurance companies to deny valid claims while continuing to collect fees. If you or your dependents are injured in an auto accident, get medical treatment immediately. Then, contact an experienced Florida No-Fault insurance lawyer at Harrell & Harrell’s Orlando office.

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